
salvaged computer motherboards, copper wire, electronics

Forage has become the default name for these ‘open electronics’ performances, in which an open feedback system assembled from salvaged computer motherboards and small, battery-powered amplifiers is activated through the application of tangles of exposed copper wire. The title relates both to foraging in streets and laneways for the computer components used, and to the way in which the performances involve a ‘foraging’ for the signals coursing chaotically through this lively but unstable electrical environment.

01, Peter Blamey, Forage CD, Avantwhatever, 2012.

bukan Bukan Musik Biasa #39, Pendopo Wisma Seni, Solo, Indonesia, March 2014. Photo: Helen Hughes.

nownow14NOWnow festival, Red Rattler, Marrickville, January 2014. Photo: Jenn Brewer.

cofaEarth Sound Earth Signal book launch, College of Fine Arts, UNSW, November 2013. Photo: Jenn Brewer.

Forage CD launch, AV Union, September 2012. Photo: Lyndal Irons.